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论坛 Suggestion Box Total Fund Allocated To The Signal Provider
Votes: +7
Status: Completed

Total Fund Allocated To The Signal Provider

页数: < 1 2
Feb 11, 2012 10:28 pm
fxstat Admin

帖子: 448
入会日期: 30/03/2010

This feature is been released now. You can see your followers on managedbook as well as trade book.

Thank you The FxStat Team

FxStat, Power to traders

Feb 12, 2012 12:22 am
mikjurado User

帖子: 87
入会日期: 23/01/2011

Thanks, I see can see all my followers from TradeBook and the capital that has been allocated. I think followers can't see this information. In ManagedBook i can't see the amount of money allocated.

页数: < 1 2