SourceCode Verified demo account
Have some respect for other FXstat Members and Stop spamming other Threads that are NOT ABOUT YOUR SYSTEM.
Let your Performance shine through, not your behaviour
Hi guys!
It's the first time for me to discuss here.
Let me introduce myself. I am Lucy and work with SourceCodeFX company which provides managed account services and programming servives for our clients.
You will find us at
Your average profit percentage for profitable months is not bad but 10 loosing months out of total 30 have made affected ur profit percentage a lot. Especially in year 2012 where profit remained just 17.18%.
This year has been much better so far.
Originally posted by Sasha
Your average profit percentage for profitable months is not bad but 10 loosing months out of total 30 have made affected ur profit percentage a lot. Especially in year 2012 where profit remained just 17.18%.This year has been much better so far.
Thank you for your comment. We are gradually improving our trading systems and keep developing new ones like Beyond system.
Originally posted by Sasha
Your average profit percentage for profitable months is not bad but 10 loosing months out of total 30 have made affected ur profit percentage a lot. Especially in year 2012 where profit remained just 17.18%.This year has been much better so far.
Thank you for your comment. We are gradually improving our trading systems and keep developing new ones like Beyond system.
Currently, we provide managed account service and programming service for those who has ideas but not good at programmming.
Keep watching our trading performance @
Originally posted by A41010
nice trading
Thank you for your comment. I provide managed account service which may deliver great profits.
My objective is to get a stable and continuous income with low risk. As a forex trader, I work hard and do not like take high risk to pursue high return.
Monthly expection is 3% - 5% with max dd under 15%.
If you are interested, please check out our trading stats @
All of accounts we offer are under username 'trade4hapi'
As to costs, I only charge a 35% performance fee based on profits made to your accout and 2% management fee.
100% of your deposit is kept at the broker where it is traded. You may withdraw funds or stoping trading anytime you want.
Want to know more, please kindly visit official website