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论坛 绩效 Fixart FX

Fixart FX Verified real account

利润: 137.61% 交易开始日期: 02/24/2014
浮动亏损: 11.05% 绝对亏损: 4.56%
总点数: 6073.9 绩效类型: Real
交易: Manual
页数: 1
07/06/2016 07:36 pm
ekaram User

帖子: 1
入会日期: 31/05/2016

Could you explain a bit what happened in March 2016 drawdown?

08/06/2016 11:54 am
FixArt Hostedbeta

帖子: 1
入会日期: 19/03/2014

Hello there,
I thought working with team would have been more profitable and stabil, last 16 years I am trading alone amd I wanted to change something, it did not work. I am back with lonely trading life, allmost 0 drawdown after that, more then 20% profit, allmost all loses are recovered. 

页数: 1