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صفحہ: 1
Apr 07, 2011 10:56 pm
fxstat Admin

پوسٹ: 448
کب سے رکن ہے: 30/03/2010

Rate the broker you know! Brokers can reply to traders' reviews after properly identifying themselves.

FxStat, Power to traders

Jan 27, 2013 02:30 pm
Jogi User

پوسٹ: 685
کب سے رکن ہے: 06/06/2011

Is this broker still alive?? I cannot find its website. I tried but nothing found. There r reviews on many forums and review sites but cant reach website. It looks like they have changed their website address or maybe out of the business.

Jan 29, 2013 02:48 pm
Champ User

پوسٹ: 711
کب سے رکن ہے: 17/05/2011

Same here. Cant find any website with the name 2wayfx. It is (or maybe was) owned by Bergio Financials. There is no website with the name bergio financial or 2wayfx.

Feb 02, 2013 11:10 am
Sasha User

پوسٹ: 836
کب سے رکن ہے: 16/05/2011

There r only a few reviews about it. All of those reviews rate it as bad broker. Maybe that is the reason it is closed. Never heard of this company though.

صفحہ: 1