Trading for a firm?
Does somebody know any Trading companys?
Hey sebastian. There are MANY trading companies. Are u talking about forex trading companies? If yes then by "trading company" do u mean a company which trades for you? right?
Stick to your rules
i am looking for a company which is searching Traders.
Monthly income + Bonus
In my opinion Trading companies hire traders with both theoratical and practical knowledge and you have to apply to be a part of them. Usually trading career starts from local stock market.
Other than that all brokers hire professional traders who are also good marketers. So not only they attract customers with their knowledge but also make them invest with respective broker.
What kind of trading company you are talking about. Is it investment firm or any some signal providers. I know there are some account managment companies but they want high capital.
Professional trading firms operate at local level usually. Online firms have their own teams. Fixed pay is only given in local firms and not virtually. That is why traders make their own team and setup a trading firm.
Other than that, as sasha said, brokers hire professional traders to attract customers with their knowledge. You can apply if they have a job opening. For this purpose you will have to visit "job" section of brokers.
The good or ill of a man lies within his own will. – Epictetus