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Twenty-EMAs system

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Mar 18, 2013 04:25 pm
Sasha User

Сообщения: 836
Зарегистрирован: 16/05/2011

It is NOT EMA 20 but total number of EMAs used in this system r 20.

Very easy to follow system once u setup all EMAs.

How to setup EMAs.

Draw following EMAs on ur chart.

1st set = 53, 56 59, 62, 65, 68
2nd set = 37, 39, 41, 44, 47, 50
3rd set = 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35
4th set = 10(close),  12(open)

Buy Rules - 

Enter if both of the following conditions r true.

Condition 1 - 2nd set of EMAs is above 1st set and 3rd set of EMAs is above 2nd set.
Condition 2 - EMAs in 4th set cross each other

Sell Rules - 

Enter if both of the following conditions r true.

Condition 1 - 2nd set of EMAs is below 1st set and 3rd set of EMAs is below 2nd set. 
Condition 2 - EMAs in 4th set cross each other

TP and SL

Trailing SL.
Support and Resistance Levels.
Cross of EMAs in 4th set. 


You can add more indicators to get better results. 

Mar 19, 2013 06:32 pm
Champ User

Сообщения: 711
Зарегистрирован: 17/05/2011

Nice sharing but there r really too many EMAs.  How does it look like and with so many lines how can u distinguish between lines.

Mar 22, 2013 04:23 pm
Sasha User

Сообщения: 836
Зарегистрирован: 16/05/2011

Originally posted by Champ

Nice sharing but there r really too many EMAs.  How does it look like and with so many lines how can u distinguish between lines.

Very easy. You can color different sets. For example first set with red, second with green, third with blue and 4th set purple. It is just a suggestion, u can do any color u like.

Mar 23, 2013 01:15 pm
Champ User

Сообщения: 711
Зарегистрирован: 17/05/2011

Originally posted by Sasha


Originally posted by Champ


Nice sharing but there r really too many EMAs.  How does it look like and with so many lines how can u distinguish between lines.



Very easy. You can color different sets. For example first set with red, second with green, third with blue and 4th set purple. It is just a suggestion, u can do any color u like.

Ohh yea. That was pretty easy and even beginner mt4 users know how to color indicators.[grin][grin][grin]


Mar 25, 2013 05:02 am
illiterate User

Сообщения: 561
Зарегистрирован: 21/04/2011

Thx for sharing this system with us. A little complex to understand due to so many EMAs but I think once we setup all EMAs on mt4, it will be easier to follow. But ur last note "add more indicators to get better results"  !!!!!!........ do we still need to add more indicators?[grin]

Mar 29, 2013 05:09 am
Jogi User

Сообщения: 685
Зарегистрирован: 06/06/2011

Looks good system.

Is there any way to setup more than 1 instances of one indicator by just copying one indicator. Or is there any quicker way?

Mar 31, 2013 07:55 pm
Champ User

Сообщения: 711
Зарегистрирован: 17/05/2011

Originally posted by Jogi

Looks good system.

Is there any way to setup more than 1 instances of one indicator by just copying one indicator. Or is there any quicker way? 

Good question.

But I think the answer, unfortunately, is no. It is possible to program an indicator which includes multiple indicators with colors. But I think there is no function in mt4 to color multiple indicator lines at once.

Apr 02, 2013 02:49 am

Сообщения: 939
Зарегистрирован: 21/04/2011

Another easier solution is to go to a web EA maker and make it their. In that way, u wont have to draw it again and again. You will also be able to backtest it.

Stick to your rules

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