Different types of Drawdown Stats
Сообщения: 124
Зарегистрирован: 17/07/2011
Hello people
As you can see, I am a bit confused with the stats we have here in FxStat
I have seen the following stats, but don't know exactly what they stand for:
Abs Drawdown
Max Drawdown
Plus, I have noticed that in some cases the Abs drawdown is bigger than the Max Drawdown, so I don't know how to itnerpret them.
Check Me At CheckDavid.com
Сообщения: 29
Зарегистрирован: 09/05/2011
I will explain these drawdowns with an example
You deposited $100 and made a loss of $10. Then you made a profit of $30 and again a loss of 20
In this example the maximum drawdown is $20. But the absolute drawdown is $10.
Absolute drawdown is difference between the initial deposit and minimal level below the deposit.
Maximum drawdown is the maximum possible loss or loosing streak before you gain some profit. In other words it can be defined as "difference between one of local upper extremums of the balance graph and the following lower extremums"
Bee There is no term like "sufficient money". So aim for a satisfied life.
Сообщения: 124
Зарегистрирован: 17/07/2011
Originally posted by Bee
I will explain these drawdowns with an example
You deposited $100 and made a loss of $10. Then you made a profit of $30 and again a loss of 20
In this example the maximum drawdown is $20. But the absolute drawdown is $10.
Absolute drawdown is difference between the initial deposit and minimal level below the deposit.
Maximum drawdown is the maximum possible loss or loosing streak before you gain some profit. In other words it can be defined as "difference between one of local upper extremums of the balance graph and the following lower extremums"
Oh, thank you very much. That was very well explained =)
Check Me At CheckDavid.com
Сообщения: 939
Зарегистрирован: 21/04/2011
I was also confused abt it. I thought it would be some very difficult mathematical calculation so left it. But it was so easy.
Stick to your rules
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Зарегистрирован: 04/08/2011
test 4first post...
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Зарегистрирован: 17/05/2011
Сообщения: 939
Зарегистрирован: 21/04/2011
Originally posted by bluevirgin23test 4first post...
" />
Welcome buddy. But it looks so odd to welcome you in a thread of drawdown :). Maybe you can introduce yourself by openning a different thread.
Stick to your rules
Сообщения: 836
Зарегистрирован: 16/05/2011
Originally posted by BeeI will explain these drawdowns with an exampleYou deposited $100 and made a loss of $10. Then you made a profit of $30 and again a loss of 20
In this example the maximum drawdown is $20. But the absolute drawdown is $10.
Absolute drawdown is difference between the initial deposit and minimal level below the deposit.
Maximum drawdown is the maximum possible loss or loosing streak before you gain some profit. In other words it can be defined as "difference between one of local upper extremums of the balance graph and the following lower extremums"
This issue was also confusing me. Thanks for explaining bee.
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Зарегистрирован: 06/06/2011
Сообщения: 77
Зарегистрирован: 09/06/2011
I think my statement is also very confusing to myself, i got a 506% DD on my swingwang statement but on another website, it has just 75% for the whole of the 3 months i have traded the account, why would fxstats have 506% for 3 months now without any changes to it and another site has 75% for the same 3 months?
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Сообщения: 734
Зарегистрирован: 22/04/2011
I cannot see your drawdown and any other statistics that are below monthly results. No graph, no statistics, no probability, no pie chart. Have you locked it?
The good or ill of a man lies within his own will. – Epictetus