Quality Control - Signal Providing
გვერდები: 28
გაწევრიანდა: 25/01/2012
Martingale - http://www.fxstat.com/en/performances/view/FMG_AUDNZD-11020
Arbitrage - http://www.fxstat.com/en/performances/view/IRobot_x042-11716
Martingale - http://www.fxstat.com/en/performances/view/DFI_Gains-4221
Hidden Brokers should be not allowed for signal providers. How can we have similar performance when we don't what broker they use?
Why is there little quality control?
გვერდები: 28
გაწევრიანდა: 25/01/2012
Another Martingale Grid - Blessing EA - http://www.fxstat.com/en/performances/view/Hotforex__Blessing_and_SmartFX_EA-11594
Another Martingale Grid - http://www.fxstat.com/en/performances/view/FXAUTOROBOTICS_PRO-11900
All these links are to Signal Providers on FXSTAT
გვერდები: 939
გაწევრიანდა: 21/04/2011
I dun think u know wat is "martingale". You r mixing variable lots and martingale strategy together. A couple r martingale I think. All other systems mentioned r using variable lots. Using variable lot doesnt mean martingale strategy.
Stick to your rules