Best brokers in terms of deposit and withdrawal
გვერდები: 66
გაწევრიანდა: 08/06/2012
Now a days small traders choose to trade with broker who offer e-currencies as we many many big giants int his industry did not accept deposits and withdawals from e-currencies. But many broker that are working in asia or in russia and in Cyprus also they nearly accept all e-currencies that's a plus advantage for many asians.
Game is not over Till it's Over
გვერდები: 359
გაწევრიანდა: 21/05/2012
e currencies such as paypal and things like that you mean?
გვერდები: 66
გაწევრიანდა: 08/06/2012
You are right dear for deposit we ca wait but for withdrawal a trader cannot wait he want his money in just minutes. I like insta forex because with them i receive my money in just hours the withdrawal method that i i use are money bookers and payoneer master card bothe are good and there are less cahrges for withdrawal even money booker is free of cost.
Game is not over Till it's Over
გვერდები: 74
გაწევრიანდა: 07/04/2012
well my favorit broker is exness.they offer semi auto withdrawal.most of the transactions are it means when you want to withdraw some amount you will just select the amount and give your order.when you will check your liberty reserve the money is there already.but some times it takes an hour or a few hours if the amount is high.l think they make a double check for high amounts to make it sure.
გვერდები: 359
გაწევრიანდა: 21/05/2012
Charging for withdrawal is just not acceptable imo.
გვერდები: 194
გაწევრიანდა: 26/04/2012
For me instaforex is the best broker as i have ever seen because i am an old member of this broker and i am trading with them since a long time and i got many of my payment instantly to my account.