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Emotions and trading - how to avoid the worst combination

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Nov 25, 2011 06:31 pm
Jogi User

გვერდები: 685
გაწევრიანდა: 06/06/2011

Originally posted by expertreview

Originally posted by fxpro

4. Find the trend – use specific indicators that can find the market trend and confirm it


Fxpro, Really interesting article, Do you think on MT4, there is a possibility to find the trend using any of the indicators available in MT4?

[grin] There is no such indicator. I think he didnt mean something that can tell exact trend but possible trend....

Dec 20, 2011 11:07 am
cees User

გვერდები: 385
გაწევრიანდა: 05/12/2011


It is a very terrible thing to add emotions,so don’t invest what you can’t lose as not to involve it.

Apr 16, 2012 03:07 am

გვერდები: 74
გაწევრიანდა: 07/04/2012

all we have to do is to follow our rules.if we will trade without a system and strategy and set rules emotions will always be around to desturb us.and we can never be a professional trader.this is what professional traders advise lets listen the winners and ignore everything aside our strategy and rules.

Apr 18, 2012 03:01 pm
mrinalini User

გვერდები: 177
გაწევრიანდა: 12/04/2012

Emotions and trading are co related but is definitely not the best combination and trader needs to control their emotions if not eliminate them completley in order to make some profitable trades in the market .

Apr 20, 2012 06:28 pm
FXlord User

გვერდები: 75
გაწევრიანდა: 07/04/2012

Forex is a market that attracts many investors, but they do not always control their emotions. Indeed, many traders lose their capital as they invest according to their emotions.

Jul 06, 2012 03:38 pm

გვერდები: 194
გაწევრიანდა: 26/04/2012

Its not an easy thing to control our emotions and we have to see the market condition first before we place any order and i just love this business because its really profitable to us and i will never give up till i succeed.

Jul 06, 2012 04:19 pm
cees User

გვერდები: 385
გაწევრიანდა: 05/12/2011

no matter what is read or written to me the best way to avoi emtions is to have very good money management skill in trading

Jul 06, 2012 06:30 pm

გვერდები: 194
გაწევრიანდა: 26/04/2012

If you want to avoid greed while trading then just remember that this is the only thing from which many of forex trader are in loss and you should be more confident and attentive and have to keep patients if you want to be a profitable trader.

Jul 09, 2012 01:56 pm
bharat23 User

გვერდები: 94
გაწევრიანდა: 26/04/2012

Emotions is the uncontrolable thing whenever we place the order emotions like fear greed and desperation come to our mind which should be control by keeping some patients.

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