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SystemsFX (light). Verified demo account

მოგება: 132.01% ვაჭ. დაიწყო: 06/19/2009
დაშვება: 23.14% აბს. დაშვება: 35.08%
ჯამური პიფსი: 4006.4 Performance Type: Demo
ტრეიდინგი: Automated
გვერდი: 1 2 >
04/10/2011 01:18 pm
Champ User

გვერდები: 711
გაწევრიანდა: 17/05/2011

Hi I just noticed another signal provider :). Good to see u. Very nice winning ratio. At the same time it has high drawdown. You have earned more than 20% profit in some months but some months go with high loss too. More than 2 years of performance history.
As u have written in details that this account uses 5-6 EAs and each EA is used with different strategies and timeframes. Do u think this is the cause of high drawdown?

06/10/2011 07:21 pm
illiterate User

გვერდები: 561
გაწევრიანდა: 21/04/2011

mmm. A tight risk management is needed. There are not many trades open in one day which is a good sign. But some months go with high losses. Maybe it is bcoz of changes in strategies or settings of EA to optimize it. But as written that EAs are tested for a period of around 10 years. It seems EAs still need some upgradation to minimize the risk.

16/11/2011 07:38 am
rockefella User

გვერდები: 13
გაწევრიანდა: 05/11/2011

Very nice system :D

17/11/2011 03:48 pm
davidalfonsi Mirrorbeta

გვერდები: 162
გაწევრიანდა: 22/06/2010

I think the long time history is a sign of stability. 

17/11/2011 03:49 pm
davidalfonsi Mirrorbeta

გვერდები: 162
გაწევრიანდა: 22/06/2010

just recently the performance is going little bit weird though :)

21/11/2011 02:26 pm
jamal Hostedbeta

გვერდები: 42
გაწევრიანდა: 31/03/2010


I see you are a provider. did you so far received any payment from fxstat for the people following you? do the procedure of getting payment easy and fast? 


21/11/2011 05:10 pm
SystemsFX Mirrorbeta

გვერდები: 3
გაწევრიანდა: 21/04/2010

Yes, the procedure of getting payment is easy and fast. Fxstat is good service for real traders.

28/08/2013 09:28 am
A41010 User

გვერდები: 71
გაწევრიანდა: 14/08/2013

Originally posted by SystemsFX

Yes, the procedure of getting payment is easy and fast. Fxstat is good service for real traders.

 I agree with you on that

28/08/2013 12:08 pm
AbuRomman User

გვერდები: 63
გაწევრიანდა: 14/08/2013

I like your trading history it shows what a good strategy you're following

29/08/2013 12:56 pm

გვერდები: 72
გაწევრიანდა: 14/08/2013

I can see that you are a provider, but I don't understand how you don't have a public page yet!!!!!

გვერდი: 1 2 >