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Client Verified real account

Печалба: 451.22% Inizio Trading: 10/20/2010
Драудоун: 73.04% Drawdown ass: 11.90%
Pips Totali: 1129 Performance Type: Real
Trade: Automated
Pagina: 1
21/04/2011 03:25 pm
expertreview Hostedbeta

Messaggi: 76
Member since: 29/07/2010

Nice results. congratulations.

could you please give some detail about your trading style?

21/04/2011 06:58 pm

Messaggi: 939
Member since: 21/04/2011

Hey. your profits are really nice. Keep it up. What methods do you use to make profits? Any suggestions for newbies?

Stick to your rules

20/08/2011 01:23 am

Messaggi: 513
Member since: 08/02/2011

nice results but will i compare drawdown pips and total gain then i see some confusion can you plz explain more about the your trading style risk ratio Xynafx ... fund managers and forex signal service providers Minimum investment for our Forex managed Account service is $2k that will be managed individually in one investors account. XynaFx signals As low as $26 per Month.

Pagina: 1