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Форум Rendimento CapitalPIPS

CapitalPIPS Verified real account

Печалба: 140.69% Inizio Trading: 12/04/2014
Драудоун: 9.00% Drawdown ass: 3.23%
Pips Totali: 17512.9 Performance Type: Real
Trade: Automated
Pagina: 1
23/02/2016 10:51 pm
black26 User

Messaggi: 2
Member since: 02/02/2016

Hi - Are you using FIFO? I'm autotrading your performance and have multiple positions open on the same items. Currently at 3 EUR/USD, 2 GBP/USD, and 2 GBP/AUD.
I'm wondering if you mean to have these multiples open or if my account isn't closing sales when it should.

24/02/2016 01:33 pm
Sk0ll Hostedbeta

Messaggi: 1
Member since: 02/06/2015

My broker is IC markets, so I dont use FIFO, If you want to have the same results as myself please skype under the name: solidfxmanagement

Pagina: 1