MB Trading Live Verified demo account
Envois: 17
Membre depuis: 08/12/2012
Please, do you mind to share your EA with me? is it for sell??
Envois: 20
Membre depuis: 21/10/2010
I think they are sold out however keep checking http://CrescendoRobot.com
If you are going to follow my signals from my ATC live account, please trade very conservatively. The slow and steady wins the race.
Envois: 20
Membre depuis: 20/08/2013
Are you a signal Provider?
Envois: 20
Membre depuis: 21/10/2010
Yes for the following account: http://www.fxstat.com/en/performances/view/ATC_Live_New-11718
If you are going to follow my signals from my ATC live account, please trade very conservatively. The slow and steady wins the race.
Envois: 31
Membre depuis: 20/08/2013