Strategy C Verified demo account
Well, it is open to follow.....But here on FxStat there are not many Followers that can make it profitable :)
The accounts here on FXStat are not my main accounts....:)
I just opened a few strategies a few month ago, because i thought that there is a chance to make some extra money........
That´s why i created different strategies, from safe to risky, long-short......
I had just signed up and added Crazy Money with you stopped providing signals. I understand you statement about FXSTAT; there simply is not enough providers and options to choose from. I wish that FXSTAT was bigger, more successful. I have changed services to a different site fx junction but do not yet have an opinion. please pm me if you do reopen a trade service or contact me at paladino444 at yahoo
I am always looking for a solid provider of signals or managed accounts.
Well, at the moment my signals are available.
I am also on FxJunction (Name: Trust) but i think the Bridge there is not really working very well and i think it is expensive for Followers when u follow a strategy with many Trades per Day....
FxStat is good but in my opinion it just use 10% of the potential is has
Some other alternatives:
RentaSignal (inadvisable)
Thanks for the update, I just found your profile on fx junction. I currently have my bridge turned off as I had some issues last week with not closing some trades. To be fair, I have not confirmed what the problem was as I might have had some connectivity issues with my VPS so I don't want to cast bad light on fx junction. I like the setup for fxjunction but I will have to monitor my trades and turn off trading when I cannot watch until they get the bridge issues resolved or I confirm what if any issues I have on my end.
Thanks for your reply. I think what you're saying makes sense but thanks for still providing your signals. I have 10% of my funds allocated to your GBP/JPY strategy. Will you be looking to make more trades on that, otherwise I can take the 10% and place it with another strategy.
I too am always looking for a small number of solid performers. Looking at CrazyMoney's (albeit) brief history, I think his monthly returns are spectacular but it is difficult to follow him on every single currency he trades so I have selected two out of three of his most commonly traded currencies.
But go look at FtradersFX Fund. I believe that is someone who has recently begun providing his signals on FxStat and their performance is solid over 3 years.
I guess it makes more sense when u place it with another strategy....GBP/JPY is still on my focus, but i can´t tell u when i place a Trade or not.....
The main pairs i am trading are:
Softer Strategies are:
System1R, Moderate or EUR/USD
Okay, i guess the strategy is difficult to follow :)
Is there any interest when i open a Mini-Pamm account for this strategy ( then i will just copy the Trades from Crazy-Money to the PAMM)
Just need an idea for a PAMM and what would u suggest is a fair Offer?
PErformance Fee?
MAnagement Fee?
Minimum PErformance Constraints?
At the moment my Lot-Size is 1% per Trade (for example: Balance 60k --> 0,60 Lot) , but many Trades per day and open at the same time.....Don´t be too greedy.....Just be patient :)
Don´t make the mistake and try to optimize something.....This account is called "Crazy Money", so don´t invest everything you have :) ....The higher the profit, the higher the risk.
When i hv a postion open with maybe 150 Pips against me, then it does not mean that i will wait till the Trade comes back.... I just keep on trading and close the trade with maybe 80 Pips against me....Means in a recovery from the wrong movement for example......
I have many Trades a day so one trade is not really important to me......
Originally posted by Sebastian
At the moment my Lot-Size is 1% per Trade (for example: Balance 60k --> 0,60 Lot) , but many Trades per day and open at the same time.....Don´t be too greedy.....Just be patient :) Don´t make the mistake and try to optimize something.....This account is called "Crazy Money", so don´t invest everything you have :) ....The higher the profit, the higher the risk.
Thanks for sharing Sebastian.