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Foros Rendimientos Fixed Project

Fixed Project Verified demo account

Beneficios: 106049.92% Comienzo de la operación: 11/06/2013
Drawdown: 36.07% Drawdown absoluto: 0.00%
Total de pips: 8010.7 Performance Type: Demo
Trade: Manual
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24/01/2014 07:01 pm
KK2014 User

Mensajes: 4
Member since: 15/01/2014

Lol how does one follow you!?

14/11/2014 10:53 pm
rourkem User

Mensajes: 31
Member since: 30/09/2014

I think you need to create an account from them and that will be the time that you can just click on a link to follow him.

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