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HSSFX4 Verified demo account

Profit: 193.25% Trading Started: 08/27/2013
Drawdown: 27.01% Abs Drawdown: 3.96%
Total Pips: 2280.4 Performance Type: Demo
Trade: Manual
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18/09/2013 11:25 am
Fx123 User

Posts: 37
Member since: 20/08/2013

Will u unlock ur trades ???

19/09/2013 04:58 pm
hssfx User

Posts: 3
Member since: 05/07/2013

this is my fb account :  , i post my analysis on my wall.

29/10/2013 08:19 am
A123 User

Posts: 37
Member since: 20/08/2013

why not posting them here on your page it would be easier for us to follow up

29/10/2013 12:58 pm
hssfx User

Posts: 3
Member since: 05/07/2013

I like use fb because I can see others material other than just forex, 2nd I have many connections request but i'm unable to accept them , I didn't see " ACCEPT " button when someone sending me connection request, 3rd , I like share my charts so other know my system, I can't post chart/picture here :)

31/10/2013 11:09 am
Fx123 User

Posts: 37
Member since: 20/08/2013

Originally posted by hssfx

 3rd , I like share my charts so other know my system, I can't post chart/picture here :)

on the contrary,, you can post anything you want here on your FxStat page, just attach the charts and pictures you want to your post, just as simple as attaching images on fb.
on the other hand, one follower (connection) to your profile here equals a hundred of them on other social networks as FxStat is specialized in forex trading,, keep that in mind

31/10/2013 11:25 am
hssfx User

Posts: 3
Member since: 05/07/2013

thanks for your information, look interesting

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