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Why Do So Many Forex Traders Lose Money?

Feb 25, 2013 04:45 pm

مشاركات: 12
اشترك في: 22/02/2013

Yes, the bitter reality is that only 5% of Forex Traders make any money at all. Even hedge fund owners and bankers lose money once they try to trade on their own. This happens because they're used to trading according to a set of rules that their employers requires them to trade by.

But when they leave their employer, those rules go out the window and they have to manage their own internal motivations. This is how greed and fear can get the best of even the most knowledgeable traders. Shockingly, a lot of these traders end up having to "fall back" on teaching what they know and YOU end up paying them thousands for a training seminar. [Mr. Ezekiel Chew]