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Where did FX Stat got my profile pic?

صفحة: 1
Mar 31, 2012 03:28 am
xredburn Mirrorbeta

مشاركات: 7
اشترك في: 31/03/2012

I did not add it nor I did authorize it.

Im a bit confused and angry.

Mar 31, 2012 10:35 am
k4y User

مشاركات: 31
اشترك في: 26/03/2012

If you didn't upload it, it might have been adopted from a social network site, probably fb.

Mar 31, 2012 12:58 pm
xredburn Mirrorbeta

مشاركات: 7
اشترك في: 31/03/2012

It was not from FB. Maybe from my Google + account. 

Mar 31, 2012 09:26 pm
fxstat Admin

مشاركات: 448
اشترك في: 30/03/2010

Hello every one,

Apart from account monitoring and autotrading, FxStat is also Forex Social network website. Inaddition, FxStat is been integrated with other social networking websites. To make it easier for our members, When a user register on FxStat, the profile avatar automatically update itself it the user already registered in other places such as gravatar. However, you don't like this updated avatar, you can upload and replace the current one from your setting>profile section :)

Thank you The FxStat Team

FxStat, Power to traders

صفحة: 1