Beyond Verified demo account
مشاركات: 18
اشترك في: 04/06/2013
Hi Sasha! Thank you for your comment. I withdrew money without any intention.
مشاركات: 18
اشترك في: 04/06/2013
Originally posted by Seral123
seems like a profitable plan why don't you share it on your fxstat public page
Thank you! I notice that you are a new to fxstat. Welcome.
مشاركات: 18
اشترك في: 04/06/2013
You gays can reach out to me @ Skype: Lucyzwl
Hope to have communication with you all.
مشاركات: 22
اشترك في: 20/08/2013
Why dont you have public page like this:, in order to give you trust, i like your trades.