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Score is the weighted average value of all the scores - experience, risk, discipline, return and scalability.

FxStat defines 'Risk' as the maximum a portfolio or a holding may lose in one day with a confidence of 95%. So for example, if the risk of a portfolio is set at 3%, then we can say with 95% confidence that the portfolio will not lose more than 3% of its capital on any given day.

Experience: The more days a trader trades in a year the higher the experience score achieved. The maximum score achievable is 10, for having traded on all 264 tradable days of the year. For each tradable day that a trader does not trade, will loose a 0.038 score.

Risk : The weighted average of the standard daily deviation and max. drawdown.

Discipline: A measure of how disciplined a trader is to his trading strategy. This is found by looking at the distribution of a trades.

Return: weighted average of last 12 month return, probabilities and rations.

Scalability: An assessment of whether a trader is still profitable if he earned 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 35 pips less on each trade. If the trader is still profitable with the reductions applied then a higher score is applied to scalability value.

out of 100

VaR 95%

2.15% min VaR
6.33% max VaR
Performance History (834) SymbolsRiskDrawdown
Grafik: Büyüme pip
The modern portfolio theory, of the asset manager is to diversify investments in a way in which losses in one asset will be offset by profits in another while – in the long term – all the different investments will yield at least an overall positive net return balance. There is also a very positive psychological effect of running portfolios in the sense that “someone” will be winning and you will have something good to look at almost all the time. However diversification must be done correctly because when it is not done adequately it can have an opposite compound effect instead of diminish risk. In order to do this all the systems have stop loss values and each system is traded on a risk that will put its individual maximum loss below 2%. Atipaq is exactly this, a well builded portfolio using these considerations with different trading strategies and instruments in order to have a higher chance of survival. Atipaq portfolio is based on a a daily breakout system who looks for trading opportunities everyday based on certain price ranges. It looks at a specific period of time and sets pending orders if the characteristics of the ranging periods are adequate. Many inefficiencies can be found through the trading of breakouts of consolidation periods and these consolidation periods turn out many times to be non-conventional. Atipaq it's fitted to trade a broad range of possible inefficiencies on several different instruments.The system is very flexible and has the possibility to take profit from a large variety of market situations. The system trades 24H a day profiting from Asian, European and American sessions breakouts on the EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, USD/JPY instruments. One of the most important things in trading is to have a plan and trading a portfolio with a previous risk analysis is VITAL for survive in Forex market. See the statistical analysis of this system at:
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